
Today I declare that I am going to see God's favor in a greater way, that new doors are going to begin to open for me, that super natural opportunities are coming my way, that God is setting up divine connections for me, that I am always at the right place at the right time, that I am going to overcome every obstacle and defeat every enemy, that I am going to see every dream and every desire that God has placed into my heart come to pass.



Today, I dedicate my life to truth, love, peace and happiness. To Non injury through thought, word or deed.

Spirit Flight

Spirit Flight

Friday, November 12, 2010

Living Well...

Mar 5:34  Jesus said to her, "Daughter, you took a risk of faith, and now you're healed and whole. Live well, live blessed! Be healed of your plague." 

A phrase that has meant a lot for me lately that my colleague uttered so casually commenting on ones future and life "It is so easy to worry"!

As I am closing one chapter of my life, taking the decision to resign my current job and go on a quest to pursue my own vision.  I recently find it within to take a pause, put my fear and anxiousness aside, ignore what I think people and circumstances want me to do... and ask myself what do I want to do.  What do I see myself in, what does my heart and inner soul is guiding me towards.  

Reciting my declaration and affirmation that I will overcome every obstacle and defeat every enemy.  I came to learn that I AM my biggest obstacle and my enemy at large.  I came to pay attention to how closely I observe how people grade me and how I measure myself against what they regard of me.  I hear my boss tell me that he sees me as a talented inspired writer and knows exactly how far I could go, and at the same time, how he disregards any chance to optimize my talents but on the contrary casts me aside and offer a room for growth and promotion to a complete unknown outsider.   Instead of anger, which at least would have been an understandable feeling, I tend to draw on pity and disappointment on how I am not destined for greatness.  I came to learn how close to me was discouragement and how high people are regarded in my life that in them I find the source of motivation and guidance, it is them who dictate my present and draw the guidelines of my future journey.  

It is then that I came to acknowledge the truth of how far from the center is My Higher Power.  It became clear how much my inner compass required tweaking.  I dried my eyes and had a confrontation moment in which I brought my inner child to meet my Divine Father for a real first parental meeting.  I Knew I needed to give my Divine Parent the chance to be the Leader in my life, the Alpha and the Omega, to guide and lead me where I need to go.  I am finally ready to listen, hence, I knew I would now hear.   

I came to learn the past few weeks that regardless of how powerless I seem to be and how unmanageable life seems, I always have a choice.  I can choose to either be by my side or abandon myself.  

I choose today to listen to the true, loving and caring voice of my God as I understand Him who lives within me as Me! Telling me who I truly am, what do I truly like, guiding me through the path I need to take towards my purposeful journey to heal my heart and bring quality to my life.  

Today, I learned to let down my fear and know though it seems so easy to worry I can choose "not to let Security - Or my search for it - be my base of operations" (from the book In All Our Affairs)

As I take a joyful confident step in my new journey towards an unknown, unframed, unlimited, unrestricted, unchained and unleashed life I let the kind voice of my Higher Power washes away my past pains, hurts, frustrations, discouragement and fills me with His truth of me.  Seeking the same experience as that bleeding woman centuries ago after suffering bent down and drained for 18 years by this plague, spending fortunes left and right searching for someone to cure her and put a stop to the drain that torn her life with shame and disgrace.  Daring in spite of all that to imagine a life of healing and wholeness, pushing through the crowd to touch the edge of the Messiah's robe, trusting that this simple act of faith can bring closure to a long exhausting chapter of her life, offering her a new leaf, and a new chance to live the life she was meant to have.  She knew she had all that she dreamed of and more when the kind, reassuring voice of Christ said to her, "Daughter, you took a risk of faith, and now you're healed and whole. Live well, live blessed! Be healed of your plague." (Mark 5:34)

"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new end" (from the book As we Understood)