I love this verse, so does everyone who reads or hears it. It's so comforting, it puts my mind and heart at ease about my future. So, does this one:"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations." - Jeremiah 1:5
A question in my self-help workbook read: "Can you accept for today that things are exactly the way they are supposed to be and that nothing happens by mistake in God's world?"
I have a tendency to "A"s my tests, so I often guess what the "prefect" answer is and I will say it, feel it and write it. Yet, I paused in front of this one... If I really accept that nothing happens by mistake in God's world then I accept that it was by no mistake that by father was an Alcoholic, or all the things that happened to me during my childhood and my adolescence were either.
Then ALL was calculated and somehow happened exactly the way they are supposed to!!! REALLY... I think I had to take a sip of water and put my pen down for a while on this one.
Do I accept that my Higher Power, The God of my understanding who knows me before I was formed in the womb and had all those good plans laid out for me, also by no mistake knew the bad ones that I had to go through?!!
As I was making a list of all the things that happened to me, I began to write on how it was only because of what I have been through that I tended to make the choices that I have made and meet the people that I have met who ended up leading me to the spiritual program I worked, to places and people who introduced me to God and it is how I found my path to spirituality. It was because of those moments in which I questioned my purpose and my existence that I discovered my mission and my vision, that introduced me to the perfect friends who complements my life, who inspired me to knock on new doors, travel new places and explore unimagined horizons.
Today, I accept that things are exactly the way they are supposed to be. I again take comfort and rejoice in knowing that nothing happens by mistake in God's world.